Sunday, September 21, 2008

A pound here, a pound there.......and poof.....

almost half of me is gone! So, two years ago I went to my gyn and she told me that she didn't want me on birth control anymore because I was morbidly obese, my blood pressure was too high, and she was worried about me stroking out on her. Well, I knew I as fat, I knew I needed to lose weight.....but I just had not previously wanted to. So driving home I really started thinking about what she said..and I realized how unhappy I was. I couldn't get the seat belt to buckle around me in my friends' cars, the last time I was on a plane I barely fit in the seat (well to be honest...I didn't fit...I was spilling over into the poor woman sitting next to me seat), and if I went up one more pant size I would not know where to shop for them (Lane Bryant doesn't make over a size 28 as far as I know). I had always been very athletic in school....but I just let myself go once I got into college. I don't really want to say that I saw the light that day driving home....I just decided I didn't want to be fat anymore. So, I changed my diet and started exercising. I waited until I lost the first 30lbs and then I joined the YMCA. I started out taking a beginner step class and wanted to DIE during that first class. But I came back the next night, and the night after that, and so forth and so on. And now two years later I have lost..............................................................

148 lbs.

My weight when I started was 334lbs. I am still losing weight, and I'd like to drop another 30 or 40lbs. I don't want to say that I love being smaller....because to me that's not what it is all about. I will say that I LOVE being active again. I take just about any class at the Y I can go to....but I love step. My beginner step instructor Beth Ann told me recently that I scared the crap out of her when I walked into class that first time. She honestly thought I was going to faint and die right there in class because I looked so bad....and was so fat.

I also love that I will try anything now....I'm not embarrassed to fall on my butt, get hurt, or humiliated. I look for new challenges every day....and I never had that drive or sense of adventure when I was bigger.

So since I figured this blog was not just about cooking, but my life and things I enjoy I knew I had to include this little fact about myself because it plays such a large role in my life now. So, I will open this little post up to any questions that anyone may have for me about my weight loss, what I have done (no I did not have surgery), or basically anything you'd like to comment on. Below you will see my husband and I at our heaviest (for his weight loss see post below).

1 comment:

Melissa said...


Connor under the desk

Connor under the desk
"Mom's throwing a fit in the kitchen!"

Boys running

Boys running
The boys making their getaway