Friday, December 26, 2008

My new challenge!

It is challenge time! I have decided it is not worth losing all the weight I have lost (currently up to 161 lbs lost) if I don't challenege myself every once in awhile. So the other day my instructor in my early morning aerobics class asked for people to join her team to raise money for the American Lung Association. I immediately started listening (which is difficult for me at 5:15am) and once she said what the event was I knew I had to do it........ and this is the challenege:

Master the Met!

Basically it is a vertical race up 42 flights of stairs.....YEAH!! Hopefully I don't die of a heart attack half way up. I started training a few weeks ago and so far so good. It is a fund raiser so if you'd like to donate that would be great!! Just click under sponser a climber and type in my name:Nicole Salvi

If I make it I'll post pics and a description of the day. If I don' husband will post what funeral home to send flowers to.

1 comment:

What's Cookin Chicago said...

What a great challenge and good luck!!

Connor under the desk

Connor under the desk
"Mom's throwing a fit in the kitchen!"

Boys running

Boys running
The boys making their getaway